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We are a non denominational church, and are affiliated with the Independent Fundamental Churches of America. (IFCA).
That all scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is without error.
In the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. And that God became a man without ceasing to be God. In salvation by grace through faith alone.In the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit of God in the lives of believers.
Our mission is to reach compassionately, and to serve our community. And then to bring about change in lives by communicating the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, with the conviction that God’s word is powerful, and able to bring hope to the hopeless, and life to the lifeless.
Our worship services are a blended ministry that reaches the hearts and minds of a unique diversity of personality types, and age differences. Upbeat music, personal testimonies of the working of the Lord Jesus Christ in lives, and the proclamation of the whole counsel of the Word of God, is instrumental in the life changing ministry of Black Creek Bible Church. Our auditorium is equipped for worship. We can seat about 100 folks, and have the technology available for just about any audio/visual equipment for today’s progressive worship styles.
We have a congregational form of church government. The administrative board is elected by the church and is composed of five men that meet Biblical criteria for spiritual leadership in the church. The serving board is composed of seven men and women approved by the congregation to over see, and operate the programs of the church.
Black Creek Bible Church is located on the corner of Black Creek Rd. and Heights Ravenna Rd. in Cloverville , Michigan. We are an evangelical, fundamental, Bible believing group of born again persons seeking to reach our community with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
(231) 638-7904 Please feel free to contact us by phone during business hours. Someone will answer your call. You may contact the pastor by email at Or visit, and worship with us on Sunday for our regular serviced, and get to know us, and our Lord!